A Beautiful Symphony

A Beautiful Symphony

A musician needs all the keys
To play a symphony;
If he only used the white ones,
What beauty would there be?

The black keys make the music
Melodic to the ear;
If the pianist never used them,
What a different song we’d hear.

And just like that piano,
So it is with life;
It takes both light and dark to make
The music flow just right.

God uses trials and sorrows
Like the pianist uses keys;
He combines the light and dark to make
Life’s music sound so sweet.

The song of life sounds better
When He uses all the keys;
For then He can turn a simple tune
Into a beautiful symphony.

Copyright ©1995 by Jan McIntosh
Used With Permission
(originally titled “Life’s Music)

And we know that all things work together for good
to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

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