Welcome To
Home of The Real McCoy

Poetry by Jerry (Gerald) Bouey

My little haven of rest and comfort.

Comfort ye, comfort ye My people, saith your God.
Isaiah 40:1
. . . that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Romans 15:4
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises.
2 Peter 1:4

As entrance into the Ark brought safety and protection from the world-wide flood for Noah and his family, so it was a picture of the True Ark, the Lord Jesus Christ. He alone saves us from the wrath of God to come, if we place personal faith in Him as our Saviour.

As the Ark brought comfort and safety for Noah’s family, so I want this site to be a place of rest and comfort for God’s children.

May the poems herein bring you solace in your trials and a safe haven in the storms of life. And, if you do not yet know the Saviour, may these poems be the encouragement you need to, by faith, enter and find rest in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Come unto Me, all ye that labour
and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

In 1996, I put together a booklet of poetry entitled FAITH – Forever Abiding In This Hope. That book, and this website, is lovingly dedicated to Lori McCoy, my sister in life and sister in Christ. (You can see where the name of this website originally came from… but it is also a reference to the King James Bible as being the Real McCoy among Bible versions.) I thank God for a true Christian friend like her.

On May 16th, 1994, God gave me the greatest blessing of being with Lori as she heard the loving voice of Jesus, answered His knocking, and opened the door of her heart.

I pray that these poems will be an encouragement to all who read them and that the body of Christ will be built up. May they draw believers closer to the Lord Jesus Christ, and touch the hearts of those who haven’t yet answered His call.

If you desire to understand God’s HEARt,
HEAR the message of the t (Cross).

I invite you to hear that message in my own words and in my own life.
May our Lord be pleased with and glorified in this offering.

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do,
do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31

In Jesus’ precious name,
Jerry (Gerald) Bouey.

All Scripture quotations on this site are from the King James Bible.
Used by permission of the Author. 🙂

Home Of The Real McCoy

To Download:

Sheet music for I’ve Gone Home

Sheet Music for Why Trouble The Master?

Sheet Music for Because Of Jesus

If you use the SwordSearcher Bible Program, you can download several modules I have put together for that program.
Click on the links below for the zipped files of the modules you are interested in:

Refuge In The Storms Of Life Poetry Book  (**Updated Oct 7/2021)

The Seasons Of Your Pilgrimage Poetry Book (**Updated Dec 22/2023)

Psalms Of David by Isaac Watts  (Updated Oct 6/2021)

Psalms Of David In Metre  (Renamed module Oct 26/2021)

The Holy War by John Bunyan  (Updated Oct 6/2021)

The Companion Of The Way  (**Updated Nov 24/2022)

Numbers In The Bible Devotional Series (**Updated July 4/2024)

Union And Communion by J. Hudson Taylor – Commentary on the Song of Solomon (April 30/2024)

After unzipping, put the module in the “Swordsearcher User Modules”
folder in the SwordSearcher Bible Program.