Two Roads Or Three?
To hear this poem presented in church with an introduction and devotional challenge, please click here: Two Roads Or Three? There are two roads you can travel on, Maybe three…
To hear this poem presented in church with an introduction and devotional challenge, please click here: Two Roads Or Three? There are two roads you can travel on, Maybe three…
Boasting In The Lord So many will boast of their status and wealth - For too many that is all that's worth living; I'd rather boast in my spiritual health…
Jacob's Well (The Samaritan Woman in John 4) About to draw some water from Jacob's well, The Samaritan woman heard Him speak. She wondered, Who is this man; why is…
My Servant, Israel (Isaiah 43) Fear not, for I have redeemed you; Fear not - I have called you by name, And you are Mine! When you pass through the…
God's Gift Come now all you troubled people, I've got a message for you to hear: God is giving out His grace this Christmas - Free for all who dare…
Freely Forgiven Freely forgiven - Jesus counted the cost. He loves you so much, even though you are lost. Freely forgiven - Jesus paid the price, Suffered in your place,…
O Save Us Now Before God made the world, redemption was planned; In the fullness of time, God became a man. From Heaven, God's Son came; was in a manger…
How's Your View? Have you taken a look at the Saviour? Have you thought about His claims? Have you peered within at your own sin, And reflected upon His name?…
Faith To Face Looking through a glass darkly, I find many things hard to explain, But as I steadfastly gaze within God's Word, The Lord makes all things plain. Faith…
Lord (Here is my first poem written the day after I received Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour. The search was over, but the journey of faith had…