The Valleys Of Life
The Valleys Of Life There are so many valleys in this life; Times of sorrow, heartache, and strife. In this vale of tears that you are passing through, I know…
The Valleys Of Life There are so many valleys in this life; Times of sorrow, heartache, and strife. In this vale of tears that you are passing through, I know…
ABC's From My Heart Thou art my Advocate, always interceding for me. My Bridegroom I will one day face-to-face see. A Cornerstone Thou art to my Christian foundation. My Deliverer…
To hear this poem presented in church with an introduction and devotional challenge, please click here: Immanuel When once I mourned a load of sin; When conscience felt a wound…
Meaningless? Life is meaningless - as Solomon said, "All is vanity." Nothing is worth living for - except God. Nothing is worth everything - except God. He is my only…
On My Knees On my knees I will worship the King of heaven and earth. Lord of all creation, You alone are worth More than a million diamonds, or pearls…
When I was meditating on the life of David and his great faith in the Lord (as expressed through his wonderful Psalms), I wanted to portray that faith in a…