As The Lily Among Thorns
As The Lily Among Thorns Jesus is the Lily of the Valleys, Our Saviour is the fairest of delight. In the darkness of this world, He’s the bright and shining…
As The Lily Among Thorns Jesus is the Lily of the Valleys, Our Saviour is the fairest of delight. In the darkness of this world, He’s the bright and shining…
Jesus In You Day by day, and throughout all the years, You taught us by faith what was right and true; You modelled our Saviour in word and in deed…
Boasting In The Lord So many will boast of their status and wealth - For too many that is all that's worth living; I'd rather boast in my spiritual health…
Stand Fast We look around at a world That is changing day by day. A little here, a little there, Truth and Justice fade away. We can't condone these changes.…
How Do I Remain Faithful? In a darkened world that is rapidly racing toward the end, I see many Christians compromising like it's the latest trend; I know for God's…
Martyr’s Song (Inspired by John Huss - who was martyred in 1420 AD) I go to my death singing sweet praises to the Lamb; I breathe my last breath, saying,…
Contend For The Faith When this lost world wants to bring you down, When the error of the wicked everywhere abounds, Hold fast what you have, that no man take…
My Elijah Friends God bless all my Elijah friends, And give them comfort, Lord, tonight - Those faithful few who will not compromise, Who cling to You with all their…
Blessed Is That Man Blessed is that man whose trust is in the Lord, Whose heart is wholly yielded to God's Holy Word, Whose faith rests upon a solid foundation,…
And They Shall Run In this world of pain and woe, You may stumble and falter. Grab the hand that reaches down From your Heavenly Father. He will lift you…