As The Lily Among Thorns
As The Lily Among Thorns Jesus is the Lily of the Valleys, Our Saviour is the fairest of delight. In the darkness of this world, He’s the bright and shining…
As The Lily Among Thorns Jesus is the Lily of the Valleys, Our Saviour is the fairest of delight. In the darkness of this world, He’s the bright and shining…
Blazing A Trail God’s Way Way back in olden times, in the pioneer days, “Go West, Young man,” was an often heard phrase. Go make your own mark, go blaze…
A Reststop Along The Way When the valleys of life seem so dreary, And the way ahead seems so hard, My soul aches and cries out for a reststop -…
There’s A Lion In My Heart There’s a lion in my heart, Running freely through my veins; I can’t hold back this power - I give the Lord free reign.…
Love Love is such a wonderful feeling when you find someone who is true. Love can tear down walls of stone; it can make you someone new. Love can build…
Stand Fast We look around at a world That is changing day by day. A little here, a little there, Truth and Justice fade away. We can't condone these changes.…
One Heartbeat From Heaven So many trials to discourage, So many mountains to block your way, But you're just one heartbeat from Heaven, Where the shadows will flee away. My…
Undertake For Me Jesus, I feel so overwhelmed - Won’t you undertake for me? Exchange these burdens of my heart For the sweetness of Your peace. I cast these cares…
Why Trouble The Master? Jairus' daughter lay dying, but Jesus was near; He sought the Saviour for his loved one so dear. Before the journey ended, his daughter had died;…
Break Free Break free from the binds that drag; Throw away those worthless rags. Seek the Lord with all your heart and soul; Precious Jesus - He will make you…