As The Lily Among Thorns
As The Lily Among Thorns Jesus is the Lily of the Valleys, Our Saviour is the fairest of delight. In the darkness of this world, He’s the bright and shining…
As The Lily Among Thorns Jesus is the Lily of the Valleys, Our Saviour is the fairest of delight. In the darkness of this world, He’s the bright and shining…
When God Whispers Your Name Walking in the Garden, in the cool of the day; Hiding from my Saviour for I had gone astray, But in His grace and mercy,…
Touching The Hem Of Jesus’ Garment I am unclean, she thought. I am separated from those around me. My disease has taken its toll. How can I be healed? I’ve…
Foreign Words To My Soul When reading through the Bible for the very first time - Oh, what a far-off foreign land it must have seemed. From Genesis to Revelation,…
In Sunshine And Shadow In sunshine and shadow, in real joy and in pain, You bless the people that call on Your name; In times of sore trials and in…
Walking With The Lord You don’t need amazing miracles, Nor blazing signs to light up your way; You just need to be the Father’s servant, And choose to walk with…
My King James Bible The Word of God is my only guide. Not just any new version will do; I love my old King James Bible - Every single word,…
Transformed Into His Image Transformed into Jesus’ likeness, The thought makes my heart truly sing. Oh, to be made like unto my Saviour, When my eyes behold our glorious King.…
I Call Him Saviour All that you could ever need is found in the Lord; He’s the First and the Last, the Beginning And The End. The Lord Jesus Christ…
God’s Everlasting Token Adopted into God’s family, you are precious and close to His heart; You’ve been graven upon His very hands; He will never leave you nor depart. Your…